How-To Get Your Car Ready For Summer Time Driving!!

Everyone loves the summer time especially your auto mechanic, anything can go wrong in the hot summer’s heat. lucky for you there are some cheap actions you can implement right now that will save you and your car from a very stressful summer.
Here are 5 tips to make you and your cars temperature run cooler.
1) Check your car for radiator leaks by looking underneath the front end while running and after being parked for a while. You can try to fix it with an additive you can by from the auto part store, or you can get a good used radiator.
2) If you know you have a radiator leak and cant fix it now for some reason, then you need to by antifreeze now before it is in high demand and the prices skyrocket, if you don’t you may wind up using a water mix or all water, this will kill your car!!
3) Change your oil before the summer if your car is older and has a lot of mileage on it then you need to go with a 5w 40 or a 10w 40 if you car is newer you can use a 5w 30 or a 10w 30 you can even run synthetic oil in a newer lower mileage engine.
4) Have all your radiator hoses and tires checked for cracks an leaks, Always carry tools and hoses if you don’t replace them and plan on going far from home.
5) Check the AC compressor to make sure it is properly working and has a good enough charge to cool you off on those unbearable days of summer.
If you need any cheap auto parts to get your summer time driving checklist please call 718-297-9797 Vinny at NYC Auto Salvage and ask him for a internet discount for finding us on the web