Where Can I Get A Car Radiator For Sale In Queens, NYC?

The answer is simple if you need to buy a new or used radiator in Jamaica then NYC Auto Salvage has any radiator for your car or truck at the cheapest possible price.
Vinny will take good care of you once you are there, if you need to install it yourself that is fine, however if you need your radiator replaced we can recommend a trusted partner who specializes in that type of repair.
Tips for changing your radiator.
1) Check the hoses, if they are bad now would be a great time to change them being you have the system apart anyway.
2) Never use water in your new non leaking radiator, most people get so used to filling it with water mix because of a leak they once had.
3) Never remove the cap when the car is over heating, to test when it is safe to open, squeeze the top hose after smoke clear to see if it is soft and safe to open.
4) Never leave antifreeze laying around it can be very poisonous to children, adults and pets.
5) Always use the right tools, do the online research for your cars year make and model, so you can have all the tools you need.