We Value the Environment

New York City Auto Salvage & Glass ensures that we keep our yard safe by following necessary precautions so that we won’t harm the environment. We always adhere to the city ordinance when it comes to proper storage of vehicles and appropriate disposal of chemicals found in the vehicles, such as coolant, transmission and engine oil, and many more. Disposal, storage and inspection are carefully and systematically done at all times.
Used oils are immediately taken off from the vehicle upon arrival because failure to do so could lead to fire accidents. These are kept in sealed and labelled containers and are either given to establishments that use commercial-type oil-fired stove, forwarded to stations that accept used car oils, or forwarded to a certified disposal company. Used oils are never used as dust suppressant on any part of our salvage yard not only because these are harmful to one’s health but also because these could damage the environment.
We segregate our garbage according to its type. All materials that are hazardous, such as those which are toxic, flammable, and toxic, are kept in different containers, and biodegradable wastes are kept in another container. These are forwarded to the disposal company. We also follow the open burning regulation.
New York City Auto Salvage & Yard values the safety of everyone. Rest assured that we are always executing appropriate methods as we value the government’s drive towards keeping our environment safe at all times.