Hidden Treasure in Salvage Yards

Remember the old days that we use the traditional yellow page directory to look for services and information that we need? Now in the digital era, everything is one click and touch away. Everything can be researched through the internet in our computers and smart phones. It is very convenient and one you may come across are Salvage Yards which we will talk about in this article.
You will never know what you can get from a salvage yard. A salvage yard can offer a wide range of brand, make, and selection of parts that you need. It is called a bag of treasure because you can find valuable parts for such a cheap price. It is also a place for hard to find parts when you are restoring or owning vintage cars. Based from personal experience I have come to a salvage yard and I wasn’t really expecting to find the part that I need but I’m really desperate so I did give it a try. I was looking for a front bumper of a Mitsubishi Sedan and luckily out of nowhere I found one. It is also the same color that I need for my car. I got it for only $30.00 would you believe that? In authorize service centers it may cost around $100-$200 and triple the price from salvage yards. I ask the man who owns the salvage yard and he told me that the part that I purchased comes from a car that recently junk by its owner because it was involve in an accident, luckily the driver was not harmed and the damage part of the car is from the rear the reason why the front bumper has been saved. That is why I have it now. Salvage Yards also work by paying cash for your junk car or you can sell parts in case you have some stock after replacement it’s another way for cash back.
If you think that Salvage Yards are the best alternative way for buying parts, give New York City Auto Salvage and Glass. Here is our contact number (718) 297-9797. You can also find us on Facebook just type our name. Catch ya!