Check Your Brakes Before It Freaks You Out

“Precaution is better than cure, “ does this saying apply to your car brakes maintenance method? Typically, car brakes come in many forms such as a drum, disc, anti-lock and emergency brakes and whatever your auto have, obviously, well-maintained brakes will refrain you from experiencing accidents that might freaks you out.
Consider these signs as RED flags
No arguments found with the fact that perfect car brake condition is essential, hence do not ignore these symptoms that show car brake failure:
- Dashboard brake light (red or yellow) is up
- Unusual noise such as grinding, squeaking and metallic squeal
- Shaking or vibration in your steering wheel
- Lack of fluid that holds backs the force of brake pads
- Softness of brake pedal that never leaves an inch in the floor when pressed
- Sharp bad odor or burning smell when pressing the brakes pedal
If you totally lose control of your car brakes and if this terrifying and dangerous situation occurs, do the following actions:
- Don’t panic, pump your brake twice or more often as this will build up ample pressure to stop
- Check for any obstructions behind the brake pedal, plastic cups, empty bottle or even car floor mats could be a sort of blockage, kick it out-of-the-way
- Shifting your gear is another option if you are into your 4th gear, lower it slowly one at a time, never rush the process as rapid adjustment will bring you into trouble
- Be watchful and take every chance of going to the right lane approaching the exit, full over, and use emergency brake if needed
- Stay focus and be alert, keep your eye on the road watch for what’s in front of you as well as the pedestrian and road barrier
- Let the other driver know what is going on, switch the hazard lights on and honk your horn or you can open your window to shout if it is necessary
- Call anyone you think can give help for this scenario if you know a mechanic who is willing to aid you better give a quick call
Lastly, make it a habit to check your braking system (pads, fluid, rotors and brake shoes) as these parts are needs to replace every few years or so. Now, worn out brakes that need to restore? Visit New York City Auto Parts and salvage brake parts that work just fine in your car. Or call at 718-297-9797 to have a quick response.