Where do junked cars go when they are abandoned?

Once junk cars are abandoned they can go to different auto repair shops or junk yards where people can then use them for auto parts. They pretty much become junk cars in general. Sometimes they are passed on through a scrapping process where they are then striped of all their parts. Sometimes they are just burned if they cannot be used for anything. When a person abandons a car it really just depends on the condition of the junk car when they decide what to do with them.
There are wreckers, and then there are processors. Wreckers pretty much buy junk cars for the junk parts that can be used. Wreckers will then earn a profit from sale of parts. Processors on the other hand prepare different cars for steel mills to handle. Junk parts definitely come in handy for those that are looking to purchase used car parts for their vehicle. Auto parts can be a bit on the expensive side so people always try to look for least expensive ways to fix their cars.
If an auto repair shop can take an abandoned vehicle they will but a lot of times there is rarely anything that they can do with them. There are so many different parts you can find at salvage yards such as a windshield. A simple windshield can be a bit on the expensive side if you were to purchase it brand new. Instead, you can search for one at a yard where they are filled with cars that have been abandoned as well as donated by people from everywhere.
Again if there is nothing that a junk yard can actually do with the car, it will eventually have to be stripped for scraps.