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Tips to help you with Junk Car Removal in New York City

Three tips to help you Junk your car in NY

Junk Your Car New York City Auto Salvage has been in the business of Junk Car Removals in NYC Queens and the five boroughs. We are now picking up junk cars nationwide call us we set up your local pick up with Community contacts around the US. starting at  $500.00 and up

3 Tips to a clean junk car removal: Things that need to be done and in hand before When you Junk Your Car in NYC

1) Have a clean path to the car so the truck can do it’s job with ease. The last thing you want is to make a three minute pick up into a forty minute ordeal.

2) Have as much info about junk cars like year, make ,model and paper work that you have like Title and registration on hand when calling New York Auto Salvage at 718-297-9797 …. no paper work no problem

3) Please make sure you have a key for the ignition where the Junk Car tow truck driver can find them. Also be sure the doors are open and not locked If these thinks are done it makes it easier to pick up Junk Cars in New York where there are rules and tight spaces to work in.

Check out  this video of  very  Old cars in the Junk car grave yard





We pay $500.00 and up for Junk Cars sold to us


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