Can cars really run on water? According to the inventor Denny Klein, Fox 26 news and the US Goverment it can
Yes cars can be fueled to run on water we have heard all the rumors over the years in disbelieve. like the man who invented the concept long ago was killed because of it.
Things have changed you will see why after watching this next Fox 26 video I found on Youtube by user Hefeweizen’s The channel Fox 26 reporter name is Craig Patrick.
The inventor of this water powered fuel coverts H20 into HHO using water and electric name is Denny klein to get the job done. He first invented a torch that can be warm to the touch of a human hand. This torch has the heat of the sun and can melt through anything in seconds.
The video below is a Fox 26 News video report on the inventor of the Water Fuel Car Craig Patrick and his specially designed torch that can heat water into fuel