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Does Recycling Cars Really Help the Environment?

Posted by on Feb 1, 2021 in Aftermarket Parts, Used Auto Parts, Used Auto Parts NYC | Comments Off on Does Recycling Cars Really Help the Environment?

You’ve probably heard a lot about how recycling’s good for the planet, but just how good is recycling junk cars for the environment? It’s actually better than you might think. Over 12 million cars are recycled annually in the United States alone, leading to 18 million tons of recycled steel. Using this recycled steel reduces air pollution by 86% over manufacturing new steel, and it also reduces water pollution by 76%.

Recycling auto parts and selling junk parts also means less mining, which means less damage and contamination to the surrounding ecosystem. Recycling fluids, like oil or transmission fluid, means that they aren’t being left on your property leaking into the ground and polluting groundwater. Auto repair shops recycle oil all the time since it can only get dirty and not degrade.

Car batteries can have their acid safely removed and essential metals extracted and recycled, which, again, reduces the damage caused by mining. Thanks to new technology, it’s also a lot easier to recycle old windshield glass into things like glass bottles and jewelry. All the plastic in your car can be recycled by reselling the junk parts if they’re in good shape or melting and shredding them down if they’re not.

Even more complicated auto parts, like engines, can be recycled. Engines are often dismantled, cleaned and reconditioned to be used in other cars. They can even be remanufactured into newer engines. Things like spark plugs and transmissions are also valuable to both auto manufacturers and auto repair mechanics.

If you want your car to be among the junk cars that help the environment, contact New York City Auto Salvage & Glass today. We can show you how everything from the tires to the windshield can be renewed.

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Are tires bad for landfills?

Posted by on Jan 1, 2021 in Aftermarket Parts, Used Auto Parts, Used Auto Parts NYC | Comments Off on Are tires bad for landfills?

Discarded tires have a severely negative impact on the environment that most drivers would never consider. Not only do they take up a lot of space, they do not biodegrade so they will not break down no matter how long they sit in the landfill. The most responsible way to reduce the waste of old tires is recycling these auto parts, and purchasing products made from the recycled material is possible.

Impact On The Environment

Landfills are a major environmental issue because there are so many non-biodegradable materials taking up needed space. As this designated land becomes scarce, people are forced to start dumping materials like junk cars and auto parts in wooded areas or in residential yards. Burning tires produce a very harmful smoke that gives off an oily residue, and breathing the fumes is harmful to humans and animals. A single tire can burn for several weeks at a time and continues to contaminate the air and nearby surfaces.

The Benefits of Recycled Rubber

Over 3 billion pounds of rubber are used to create more than 250 million new tires each year. Fortunately, scrap tires decrease the amount of new rubber used in the production of the following innovations:

• Garden mulch that is resistant to termite infestations.

• Drainage ditches, internal layers of roadways, and most other applications of traditional gravel.

• Playground mats, welcome mats, vehicle mud guards, and playground flooring.

• Filter media for wastewater treatment.

How You Can Help

Anytime you need auto repair, try to shop in auto salvage for junk parts to reduce the environmental impact of unnecessary new parts. Work with a buyer of junk cars if you want to get rid of an old vehicle in a way that it can be recycled. Finally, ask questions anytime you get an auto repair to find out if your junk parts can be recycled.

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How long should my car last?

Posted by on Dec 11, 2020 in Aftermarket Parts | Comments Off on How long should my car last?

Few drivers want their cars to last forever. After a decade or so, a typical driver wants a new look. When your car is getting too old, decide when to part ways and research your options for junk cars.

How Long Have You Driven It?

Decide how long you’ve been driving your current car. Most modern car makes and models last an average of 20 years. The best cars run longer than 20 years; however, you’ll face more mechanical problems and have to replace old auto parts.

To avoid paying for one auto repair after another, buy a new car after 15 to 20 years. Your car should be efficient at all times, and you should never worry about sudden breakdowns or regular repairs. Instead of making another repair, look into getting rid of the junk parts instead.

Contact an Auto Salvage Business

When you’re ready to get rid of an old car, you automatically want to sell it for cash. In reality, a decades-old car is worth only $1,000 or slightly more. No one wants to buy a car and then have to pay for an auto repair or replace its junk parts. Instead, you may earn more money by selling the auto parts online. If those parts are worthless, and you want to get rid of the car immediately, find an auto salvage yard that specializes in removing junk cars.

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Posted by on Aug 1, 2020 in Junk Yard Tips | Comments Off on WHAT YOUR CAR WEIGHS DETERMINES THE VALUE WHEN RECYCLING

Once you notice that it is cheaper to haul your used car to the landfills than to your local mechanic for auto repairs, then it might be time to sell the car to scrap metal dealers. Determining the value of a junk car is a bit complicated as many things have to be considered, such as the car model, years used, current price of scrap metals, condition of the car, demand for the auto parts, and most importantly, the weight of the car.
Before weighing your car, it is crucial to understand the terms used in car weighing. First, is ‘curb weight.’ Curb weight is the weight of the car without anyone or anything in it. The next term is ‘gross vehicle weight.’ GVW is the weight of a fully-loaded vehicle, people and cargo included. Lastly is ‘gross vehicle weight rating.’ Gross vehicle weight rating is the limit of weight that your car can handle. When determining the weight of junk cars, the curb weight is considered to show the weight of the steel used to manufacture the car. More often than not, this weight is indicated on a sticker on the driver’s door.
However, before weighing your junk cars for sale, it is vital to keenly check on your auto parts and other relevant parts like the windshield if they can be salvaged or auctioned, before negotiating with the junkyard. You can also visit an auto repair shop to see whether they can buy the junk parts to resell or repair parts like the windshield so that you can get a higher value for your car.
Do not waste your time and money at an auto repair shop for a dying car. The more the time you waste with it, the lower the value of the car and its junk parts.
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Can You Recycle Car Paint?

Posted by on Jun 30, 2020 in Junk Yard Tips | Comments Off on Can You Recycle Car Paint?

It’s springtime and that means it’s time to clean out your garage. You may have junk cars or junk parts that need to be removed, or there may be cars on your property that simply need auto parts or auto repair. Don’t put off fixing something as easy as windshield repair or having those junk cars hauled away.

If you have car paint that you no longer need, then don’t throw it in the trash or down the drain. Car paint is considered hazardous material and will contaminate the environment if it’s not disposed of properly. Some people might think it’s okay to throw car paint in the recycling bin, but that’s not okay either.

Depending on the quality of the car paint, you may be able to donate it to someone else who needs it. You can post it on your local community board, Craigslist or Freecycle. Another idea is to contact a local car renovations club or hobby shop to see if they have a donation program. If there are no takers for your free paint and you must throw it out, then contact your local hazardous waste collection program for drop-off sites.

If you have auto parts, junk parts or even a cracked windshield that needs removing, then contacting an auto repair company that does junk car removal is a great way to save you time and money. Why not enjoy some extra space on your property this season by cleaning out your garage or carport today.

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