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Perks of Buying Auto Parts from Salvage Yards

Posted by on Oct 12, 2016 in Cheap Used Auto Parts NYC | 0 comments

Buying used auto parts has its many perks. Salvage yards are one of many great places for you to purchase these parts. The main benefit of purchasing salvaged auto parts is the price. This is the primary reason why many consumers nowadays choose to buy salvaged parts rather than pay expensive prices for new parts. Generally, you can find used auto parts for a fraction of the cost of a new part, sometimes saving as much as half the price of what you would normally pay.
Purchasing used auto parts also helps reduce the need to have more new parts manufactured, meaning it also helps conserve our resources. This, of course, helps save materials that would be used to make the parts, as well as reduce the amount of fuel such as electricity that is also needed to manufacture new parts. In addition, salvage shops offer a wide range of parts and brands to choose from. Literally, salvage shops got what you are looking for. Some salvage shops also take your old part for a discount on the part you are buying and re-manufacture it for re-selling.

So as you can see there are many reasons why it is more beneficial for you to purchase used auto parts when repairing your car in a salvage yard. Not only it is a great way to save money, which everybody loves, but also an excellent way to conserve our energy and help mother earth.

If you are looking for a quality used auto parts, then you are in the right spot. At New York City Auto Salvage & Glass, we provide a wide range of car parts for sale and models to supply your needs and yes, we offer free delivery for your convenience. We also buy junk cars around New York City area and the whole United States.

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The Most Hated Engine Problems

Posted by on Sep 15, 2016 in Cheap Used Auto Parts NYC | 0 comments

So you woke up in the morning and once you started your car the engine won’t start. What could be the problem?

As an engine acquires mileage, the likelihood of having engine problem also increases. The basics of common engine problems are overheating engine, an engine that doesn’t start, and service engine lights. Beyond that, minor things can cause major problems. It is important to pay attention to your engine when it needs servicing. It is the heart of your car.

Engine that overheats.

Most of the modern cars that we are using nowadays has temperature gauges that measures the level of how hot the engine is. Coolant level may affect the car’s temperature. A low coolant level can cause the engine to overheat, thus, low water level from the radiator. If you see a warning light indicating increased temperature from your engine, have a stop; check your water or coolant level. But be careful. High pressure may burst and can cause burn injuries. Overheating can cause expensive engine repairs but you see, maintaining the coolant and water level is the simplest way to prevent it. Furthermore, leaking or busted gasket heads may also cause overheating. Another indication of overheating is coolant lose or white cloudy smoke exiting from the hood. When you see these, have a pit stop.

Engine that doesn’t start.

Another problem commonly encountered by drivers is a dead engine; a non-starting engine. It may be caused of two main problems. One is flat battery. This happens when you click your key and nothing happens. On the other hand, if the engine starts but not continuing and eventually dies, the problem is the fuel or the ignition. Furthermore, a dead engine may also be the reason of corroded battery cables, starter motor fuel delay, clogged fuel filter, or ignition switch failure. These problems may be prevented through routine check-up so be sure to check the inside of your car regularly.

Engine that needs servicing.

Our cars now are smarter than we think. Most modern cars detect malfunctions and have sensors that troubleshoot problems. Whether its low fluid levels, emissions, or powertrains it does the job. It alerts the drivers for future repairs. Aside from that, it also may indicate low compression or compressed air levels, faulty electrical issues, or missing gas caps. Just make sure when you see the warning have a thorough look about it.

If you are experiencing any of these and want to fix the problem the cheapest way, why not consider going to New York City Auto Salvage and Glass, we have a wide range of engine parts regardless of the make and model of cars. We sure we got what you need to fix the problem. If you have any questions and inquiry just dial (718) 297 9797.

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Hidden Treasure in Salvage Yards

Posted by on Jul 15, 2016 in Cheap Used Auto Parts NYC | 0 comments

Remember the old days that we use the traditional yellow page directory to look for services and information that we need? Now in the digital era, everything is one click and touch away. Everything can be researched through the internet in our computers and smart phones. It is very convenient and one you may come across are Salvage Yards which we will talk about in this article.

You will never know what you can get from a salvage yard. A salvage yard can offer a wide range of brand, make, and selection of parts that you need. It is called a bag of treasure because you can find valuable parts for such a cheap price. It is also a place for hard to find parts when you are restoring or owning vintage cars. Based from personal experience I have come to a salvage yard and I wasn’t really expecting to find the part that I need but I’m really desperate so I did give it a try. I was looking for a front bumper of a Mitsubishi Sedan and luckily out of nowhere I found one. It is also the same color that I need for my car. I got it for only $30.00 would you believe that? In authorize service centers it may cost around $100-$200 and triple the price from salvage yards. I ask the man who owns the salvage yard and he told me that the part that I purchased comes from a car that recently junk by its owner because it was involve in an accident, luckily the driver was not harmed and the damage part of the car is from the rear the reason why the front bumper has been saved. That is why I have it now. Salvage Yards also work by paying cash for your junk car or you can sell parts in case you have some stock after replacement it’s another way for cash back.

If you think that Salvage Yards are the best alternative way for buying parts, give New York City Auto Salvage and Glass. Here is our contact number (718) 297-9797. You can also find us on Facebook just type our name. Catch ya!

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Auto Recycling and Salvaging

Posted by on Jun 14, 2016 in Cheap Used Auto Parts NYC | 0 comments

We all have known for a fact that the automobile industry is one of the leading contributors to our global economy. Car manufacturers are finding ways for better environment friendly vehicles that lessens the likelihood of generating waste, energy and pollution to the environment. This involves pre-manufacturing, production stage, and while the car is on the road. When a car is too old and in a situation that is not road worthy too drive, the salvage yards plays an important role to solve this problem. So what does Salvage Yards do? Let’s find out.

Auto salvaging is the process of removing usable parts and components of a junk car. Those parts are then overhauled, recycled, and sold to the public. Whether a car is old, involved in an accident, or has a mechanical failure, if your car had one of the following it is advisable to junk your car in a salvage yard. Salvage yards like us, New York City Auto Salvage and Glass pays cash for cars.

The preliminary process of salvaging a car or any vehicle in a salvage yard starts with draining all the oil, coolant and fluids from the car. This prevents spills and leaks while the car is being salvaged and dismantled. The fluids and oils collected from this process can also be sold for other cars for a cheaper price. The gas tank left can be restored to sell or can be made into scrap metal. Furthermore, the tires can be recycled as 2nd hand tires or re-fabricated to become new ones.

The remaining parts attached to the chassis will then be disassembled into the smallest part. Every part can be sold from windshields to floor mats even the screws as long as it can be recycled. The salvage yards are meticulous when evaluating a part for quality and satisfaction. It sure is salvage yard is a good choice for junking your car or repairing instead of buying expensive one.

If you want to learn more about salvage yards come visit us in Queens! We are New York City Auto Salvage and Glass give us a call at (718) 297 9797. We will look after you!

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We Value the Environment

Posted by on Aug 14, 2015 in Cheap Used Auto Parts NYC | 0 comments

New York City Auto Salvage & Glass ensures that we keep our yard safe by following necessary precautions so that we won’t harm the environment. We always adhere to the city ordinance when it comes to proper storage of vehicles and appropriate disposal of chemicals found in the vehicles, such as coolant, transmission and engine oil, and many more. Disposal, storage and inspection are carefully and systematically done at all times.

Used oils are immediately taken off from the vehicle upon arrival because failure to do so could lead to fire accidents. These are kept in sealed and labelled containers and are either given to establishments that use commercial-type oil-fired stove, forwarded to stations that accept used car oils, or forwarded to a certified disposal company. Used oils are never used as dust suppressant on any part of our salvage yard not only because these are harmful to one’s health but also because these could damage the environment.
We segregate our garbage according to its type. All materials that are hazardous, such as those which are toxic, flammable, and toxic, are kept in different containers, and biodegradable wastes are kept in another container. These are forwarded to the disposal company. We also follow the open burning regulation.
New York City Auto Salvage & Yard values the safety of everyone. Rest assured that we are always executing appropriate methods as we value the government’s drive towards keeping our environment safe at all times.

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