Its Radiator And Ac Compressor Tune Up Time Again Get Your AC Checked Now!!

Spring has sprung and summer is fast approaching. Now is the best time to get that AC compressor and radiators checked out. If they need repair its better to do it now for two reason shorter waits, less money and less sweat. If you car has no AC it maybe be time to fix your car windows so the can roll down.
Five tips to getting your car ready for summer driving
Many things can go wrong during the summer, however people can avoid most of them with just a little maintenance and effort. Below we will list basic spring car repairs and maintenance actions you can take to tune up your car.
1) Get AC Compressor checked out to make sure it works now is the best time. If you have no AC get the car windows repaired or replaced.
2) If your car is leaking radiator fluid then spring is a great time to handle this problem. Have your car radiator checked out, repair or replaced.
3) Make sure you get an oil change for summer this is important, you change your oil every three month for a reason.
4) Radiator hoses should be checked and replaced if necessary. Always carry extra radiator houses clamps and fluids for the car and yourself.
5) Make sure to add Dry Gas to your fuel tank to keep your gas lines clear and the car running great.
Contact Vinny at NYC Auto Salvage to get your used car parts and get moving today 718-297-9797